Thursday, October 16, 2008

new gathering times at missiongathering

i can't believe that it's already here, but we launch our 2nd gathering at missiongathering this sunday. i'm not sure that it really has hit me (or most of the staff) yet, but it's exciting. hopefully we'll have people show up...if you go to mission, don't forget that sunday morning gathering time moves to 10:00 this sunday. we'll see you there. you can still download and save the card below by clicking here to send to your friends! see you sunday... ~aroll


Anonymous said...

are you a part of this church?! I totally got a card for the gathering in the sdsu paper the other day.

a_roll said...

yup...i play in the band and am the pastor of connection & spiritual formation - small groups, spiritual retreats & events, etc.