Tuesday, December 25, 2007

a different Christmas...

so today is a first....it's the first time i've woken up on Christmas morning being the only one in the house. i'm flying back to oklahoma city today to be with my family for Christmas but needed to be home for Christmas Eve service. i spent the early moments of Christmas morning at denny's with staff and leadership of missiongathering after our gathering. our table of 15 clapped and cheered and midnight to the odd gazes of everyone else in the restaurant. oh well...we're an odd group, and that's what I love about us. i left denny's and met a couple of friends for a drink then went home, turned on the Christmas lights in my house and watched tv until i fell asleep on the couch. went to bed and woke up in an empty house to pack and head to the airport. it's going to be an interesting trip home - interesting dynamics with my parents, a grandmother who is not doing well. it's been a different year all around. Merry Christmas, everyone. my you experience the hope of Christ this season. ~aroll

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