Thursday, October 25, 2007

in the midst of so much good...

tuesday evening i went down to chicano park to serve dinner to volunteers and families who had been displaced as a result of the fires. we ended up also feeding several homeless people since we had so much food. over the last 2 days there have been some really disturbing events at the park - the san diego minutemen and even the police showing up because they heard that undocumented workers were among some of the people being helped. can you believe it? in the midst of so much good people can still do such ridiculous things. read more about what happened here. my friend beth brought up a good point today as i was telling her this a time like this, who do we see as human or not in our decision to help the "homeless?" tens of thousands of people are homeless right now who normally are does that change our perspective? ~aroll

1 comment:

heather said...

Alex...i feel so lucky to be getting to know you a little bit better...i'm sorry it's been a bt of a rough week...i hope it helps to know that you are a complete and total blessing...praying for you this week, boy...and hoping that you see more and more of God's beauty in the mirror daily...