Thursday, June 28, 2007

it's a small world...

yes, i realize it has been a long time since i've posted. life has been incredibly busy, and so i have a lot of writing to catch up much has happened in the last few weeks! so the small world post: so two and a half weeks ago, i woke up sunday morning to get ready for church. as is usually the case with me, i spent way too much time trying to figure out what to wear. i finally settled on a shirt i bought in Florence last year when i was in Italy with my friend david. it's really cool; it's olive green and says "love life" in cool big font on the front. anyway, i put the shirt on and walked to church. i knew my friend mark scandrette was preaching that morning, and that a guest band was joining as well. so i go about my business of setting up my keyboards and in walks ryan sharp. i used to work with his wife holly at youth specialties, and ryan and i collaborated on the theme song for the emergent convention 2 years ago. the last time i had seen ryan and holly was when i ran into them in Vernazza, Italy. it was the same trip when i had bought the shirt that i had chosen to wear that fact it was the same shirt i was wearing that day in Vernazza!!! {{ flashback...david and i were killing time waiting for the train in Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy to go to Milan. i had just ordered lunch in this little cafe, walked outside and heard, "alex roller?!" i turned to look up the street and there were holly and ryan! i knew they were gallivanting about Europe, but what were the chances that they would be in the same town?! we smiled and laughed in stunned excitement, had someone take our picture, then went our separate ways - david and i to the pastry shop holly and ryan recommended, they to the internet cafe to upload files. we couldn't believe fun! }} it was so great to see holly, ryan and their new baby...what a small world! it was great to see you too, mark. ;-) ~aroll


Unknown said...

so what you are saying is that your shirt is a portal in time and space that mysteriously brings Ryan Sharp from where ever he is to your presence?


a_roll said...

it must be. i'll have to try wearing it some other random time and see if it really does work...

Anonymous said...
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lillylewin said...

alex, i think of you every time i go past the west elm store at our mall!
hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
sure miss you!

Chris Weide said...

you'd think you'd bring that shirt with the big letters on it and head south to AL and see some folks who luv yer guts!

I miss the puddin outta ya!

heather said... haven't posted on here in a while...i've actually never blog-stalked you before...but just so you now have a blog stalker aka me :) haha...also...thanks for making me feel welcomed today...even though i'm totally curious about what you've heard and where...haha...good times...

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Украинцам советуют есть хлеб с йодом [/url]
Я живу с парнем 4 года... привычка уже наверное... :( Понравился на работе как друг один колега, общались по дружески и вот он начал встречаться с моей подругой. Во мне взыграла какая то ревность :( Не могу не думать про него :( Подскажите, как освежить чувства к человеку с коим живу, так как он родной человек а в гощову влез другой :(

Anonymous said...

Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!!

Anonymous said...

Почему регистрация не работает ?